The Business Factory, câștigător la REmarkable Awards 2024!
The Business Factory a fost premiat ca unul dintre cele mai remarcabile spații de co-working din România la REmarkable Awards 2024!
Cartier Coresi: after 10 years, the story goes on
Coresi - the largest urban regeneration project in Romania, with 120 ha, about 8% of the usable area of Brasov, is designed and developed together with the community, with a long-term vision.
Coworking - The Business Factory - a successful business model in Brasov in Coresi Business Campus
The Business Factory, cu un design ultramodern, dotări și aparatură de ultimă generație, reprezintă locul unde lucrează laolaltă freelanceri, antreprenori, angajați la diverse companii, consultanți, specialiști etc. care împart echipamente, dar uneori și idei și expertiza în diverse domenii.
Coresi - a neighbourhood with selective waste collection
Back in the day, vacation came by train from France, so we used to say. Today, we are much more creative about ways to spend summer vacation. Here is what we propose in a short Summer Summary.
What can you do to spend a cool summer right at home in Cartier Coresi?
Back in the day, vacation came by train from France, so we used to say. Today, we are much more creative about ways to spend summer vacation. Here is what we propose in a short Summer Summary.