Coworking - The Business Factory - a successful business model in Brasov in Coresi Business Campus
The Business Factory, cu un design ultramodern, dotări și aparatură de ultimă generație, reprezintă locul unde lucrează laolaltă freelanceri, antreprenori, angajați la diverse companii, consultanți, specialiști etc. care împart echipamente, dar uneori și idei și expertiza în diverse domenii.
One year of joy at Coworking - The Business Factory at Coresi Business Campus Brasov
Until recently in the view of many, in studies and surveys, work and happiness were two incompatible concepts in association. If we consider that at least a quarter of our lives are spent at work, it would be good to try to be as happy as possible while we are working.
Back to Work Week – Women’s Edition
If you have your own business and decided it's time to get rid of the home atmosphere, come to The Business Factory! To show you our admiration, we are celebrating women's week with a Back to Work Week, the second edition, dedicated to women, where we will support 4 business women!
Back to Work Week – Women’s Edition
Campania se va desfășura conform prevederilor prezentului regulament (denumit în continuare „Regulamentul”), acesta fiind obligatoriu pentru toţi participanții.
How to be more productive but stay happy?
You know those days when you really don't feel like doing anything? Those days when your agenda is filled with tasks, but you are only able to listen to music or sleep. When you stare at your computer/laptop screen and try to catch your thoughts that are flying around but are fighting with focus
Why do you need coworking in your life?
Why do you need coworking in your life? Because here you have the freedom to remain exactly as you are, without strict rules, creative and smiling!
What are the trends for coworking spaces in 2021?
The impact of COVID-19 has accelerated a number of trends in the development of workspaces, which have now expanded on a global scale. Find out what are the trends in the coworking space sector in 2021!