Imagine a character. Let's say his name is Mihai. Mihai is a freelancer, he opened his own company and every day he has new challenges from new clients. Since Mihai worked from home for a long time, he decided to "migrate" to a cafe (who wouldn't be tempted to drink a lot of good coffee and meet new people?)
In the morning, Mihai leaves for his favorite cafe with his laptop in his backpack. Once he arrived, he would have liked to sit in the intimate and very "cozy" corner, but it was already occupied, and the only available place was the one next to the door (certainly, this day is not among Mihai's favorites ). He ordered his coffee and opened his mail, where he was waiting for a message from an important client who wants to urgently organize a call (if this was already planned, then probably Mihai would still have stayed at home). He called his client, but in the meantime some noisy students entered, a rather disturbing situation for the two interlocutors.
After 5 hours that flew by at an unimaginable speed and 5 coffees, which cost Mihai approximately 55 lei, our character went home a little upset. Why was it better to choose a coworking office instead of a coffee shop?
Coworking spaces ensure the protection of your assets
One of the major benefits that a workspace provides is the protection and safety of your belongings.
You certainly don't want your things to be moved or stolen when you're taking a cigarette break or needing to go to the bathroom. Cafes are visited by all types of people. Kids who just want to play, a less handy person spills something on your laptop, or someone trips and breaks your stuff.
Coworking spaces offer you this security for keeping personal things. Unlike coffee shops, anyone who enters a workspace is "of the house".
Coworking spaces are much more cost-effective than coffee shops
Coworking spaces are the cheapest options for a workspace, considering the facilities.
At first glance, it might seem that those coffee shops are much cheaper than coworking spaces, but if we consider the facilities that these spaces offer, the latter far surpass coffee shops.
Coworking spaces are free of distractions
Coworking spaces are occupied by people who are either freelancers or employees of small or large organizations.
Everyone present in a coworking space is there because they take work seriously (when it's work, work, when it's fun - we have fun together).
Instead, coffee shops are frequented by people spending their free time. Enjoy a cup of coffee, meet new friends or spend time with the ones they already have. They will definitely not be quiet, just because you have work to do and you need maximum concentration.
Coworking spaces offer a setting suitable for working hours
The workspaces are designed and built so that you have complete comfort when it comes to work. Instead, coffee shops are designed and built for the purpose of serving coffee and food to customers. They are not designed to host meetings (without the person at the next table eavesdropping on your conversation) or to serve as desk replacements. The furniture in coworking spaces is designed to facilitate intense brainstorming sessions.
Compared to this, coffee shop furniture is suitable for customers who visit for a short period of time.
Coworking spaces offer much better connection opportunities than coffee shops
In the coworking space, like-minded individuals from different backgrounds and cultures come together to work, sharing knowledge and forming partnerships.
One of the unique advantages of a coworking space is the internet connection (yes, you know exactly what we're talking about!). You don't have problems with the internet, just because there are too many users, and you can easily form "connections" with your customers online.
Another important "connection" is the human one. You meet new people, freelancers like you, who can certainly help you in the future, just as you can help them too (with a stapler, a sheet, a business, maybe another client).
So, what do you say? Do you think Mihai would fit in perfectly in a coworking space?